Christian Brosch, born and raised in the beautiful Nature of the German Alps in 1974 is a communication Trainer, Coach and business counsellor. 25 Years of Martial Arts thought him a lot about Bushido „The Way of the Warrior“ just before he got connected to his inner spirit and now also does Shamanic Work. Right now based in Germany, he also works worldwide for high tech industry. His holistic approach is efficient, smooth and very caring for peoples needs as well as for the companies needs.
Author of the books NELP – Next Level NLP and Nested Loops for Dummies.
As a Apnoe diver and pizza addict he always loves a good deep conversation right next to an espresso.
Working with men is his hearts project. Men have so many different struggles and connecting men to their inner strength and to other men – seeing them as brothers not rivals – is what gives him his energy for.